Emotion and Engagement: Why Words Still Matter

Today visual content, especially video, is everywhere. And there’s no denying the influence of great imagery on our emotion and memory: Research shows our ability to recall information jumps from 10% to 65% when it includes a relevant image.

But never underestimate the power of the right language. Not just clever words, but ones that spark emotion. Think back to the novels you read as a child. A well-crafted story would carry you away, ignite your imagination, make you feel. Read more…

LinkedIn: it’s not just for job seekers!

When LinkedIn launched in 2003, its goal was to be the social networking site for professionals. However it soon became known as the social network for job seekers, a place to publish your ‘online resume’.

This wasn’t a bad thing in its own right. But it created a reputation which still lingers for many LinkedIn members. And so, the wide range of benefits and features LinkedIn offers go largely unused by millions of members. Which translates to millions of business owners and professionals missing out on opportunities to connect, collaborate and achieve their goals. Read more…