Buying and selling property rates amongst one of life’s biggest decisions. So it’s not surprising many people research the market and shop around – often long before requesting a market appraisal or attending an open for inspection.

Faced with greater competition and client expectations, many real estate and property professionals struggle to differentiate themselves with advertising alone. Instead, what’s needed to engage new clients is unique content showing the benefits of your expertise and industry knowledge.

Professional copywriting can help you cut through the clutter of property listings and sales pitches.  It can help you generate more enquiries and position you as the go-to agent in your area.

It’s not about having the most elaborate campaign or quoting the latest auction clearance statistics. Instead, focus on what matters most to your clients, and communicate these benefits in a way that compels them to find out more.

Here are our top 5 benefits of copywriting for real estate and property:

1. Stand out from your competitors and build reputation

Advertising listings alone are not the most powerful way to engage clients. Vendors, buyers, landlords and tenants want an agent with in-depth knowledge. Someone who makes their lives easier. A copywriter can make you stand out by creating property and industry content for your blog, website or newsletter with the latest information and advice for clients. This builds your reputation as a trusted advisor and industry expert.

2. Provide value to vendors and save time

Vendors understand theirs is not the only property you’re selling, but they still want to feel special. This means not just following a copywriting ‘formula’! Using a professional copywriter demonstrates your commitment to high-end service and helps you focus on what you do best – achieving the top sale price. It helps you create ad content that tells a story, engages clients and stays clear of tired cliches. These distinctions are especially vital in peak periods like Spring when ad volume spikes.

3. Capture buyer and tenant attention

Serious buyers and tenants have many properties on their inspection list. Are you giving them a clear reason to to make yours a ‘must see’? Professional copywriting cuts through the clutter of ad listings and speaks their language. It conveys the property’s vital attributes but also the lifestyle benefits. This leads to greater engagement, more enquiries and better attendance at open for inspections. A copywriter can also create resources for buyers and tenants to help them navigate the sales or rental process. This inspires trust and confidence in your business.

4. Get published faster for greater exposure

Whether it’s an interest rate change, the weekend’s clearance figures or a new auction campaign, getting your content published quickly is vital. A copywriter can help you streamline important communications so you go live sooner for maximum exposure. This helps generate more enquiries and shows you have your finger on the pulse of your industry.

5. Improve opportunities for free editorial

Editors are all too familiar with agents pitching their campaign or story as the best or most deserving. Instead, they want content that entertains and informs their readers. They want you to share unique, interesting information they might not otherwise discover. Whether it’s a local area review, property listing or new agent profile, professional copywriting helps your editorial pitch stand out by building compelling, relatable content that engages readers and makes them want to know more.

The greatest benefit copywriting can give property professionals is to help them build point of difference focused on what clients value most. Vendors, landlords, buyers and tenants may be at different points on the property spectrum, but they ultimately want the same thing: a professional agent who knows the market, focuses on matching the right property with the right purchaser and is committed to achieving the best result. The right content helps you inspire trust and confidence, sets you apart from competitors and makes you an agent of choice.